Unique House, Cherry Lane, Lower Merion Township, Wynnewood
139 Cherry Lane Lower Merion Township Montgomery County Wynnewood, PA 19096Berkshire Hathaway & Prudential Fox & Roach, Land Development Group has been chosen by the owner to market this property located in Wynnewood, PA.
(To view the site in Street View, drag the orange stick figure icon (upper left) into the map until you see a thumbnail appear, then release the mouse button. Street View is not available for all locations.)
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Elizabeth Mclean, well known horticulturist’s property offered for sale
5 Bedroom /5.1 baths custom built home- over 7,500 sq. ft. Centrally located to schools, transportation, shopping and center city
House and landscaped grounds include stone walls and gardens surrounding a large swimming pool
2.781acres fronting on Cherry Lane- (tax parcel- 40-00-10400-009)
Original architectural plans are available
Priced at $1,500,000
Plan Revised (First Floor Plan)
Plan Revised (Second Floor Plan)
Plan Revised (East & North Elevations)